THB Manifesto: or, what is holistic medicine?

Natural medicine and holistic medicine are used as somewhat synonymous terms. Holistic medicine is characterised by the treatment of the ‘whole’; taking in the whole persons ‘symptom picture’, not just the physical, but the mental, emotional and environmental factors presenting. Each persons symptom picture is different, therefore resulting in personalised treatment and care. This is considered a much more ‘natural’ approach to medicine; naturally, it makes sense.

Naturopaths, homeopaths and other holistic practitioners use this blueprint to determine the ’cause’ of the symptoms and the patients presenting ‘dis-ease’. It may only be short-term treatment to bring health into balance or a long-term lifestyle plan may be needed, thus maintaining optimal health and/or to potentially stunt progression of a dis-ease.

I have many times had the great privilege of being witness to peoples enriching and enlightening journeys, as they discover they are in control of their own health, healing and wellbeing.

It has occurred to me for a long while now that overtime and for a myriad of reasons, our connection to understanding our bodies signals has become a lost art, a lost language.

I don’t believe that the concept of holistic healing or lifestyle should be a great mystery or misunderstanding, that only a few with specific training and degrees should be able to comprehend.

It is my wish that the articles in this blog can help some of us retrieve knowledge of that inherent language, to help find and understand our individual holistic blueprint. To then use that knowledge to branch together correct treatments and lifestyle adaptations, resulting in the desired healing and optimal health for ourselves.

*NB: If you have any diagnosed pre-existing condition or are taking any medication, please seek face to face guidance and counselling from a fully qualified professional practitioner, before you make any dramatic changes to your lifestyle, including dietary. By all means use this blog as inspiration to make positive changes, but please seek the right advice, care and support you need before hand.

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by Elisha Zonfrilli


4 thoughts on “THB Manifesto: or, what is holistic medicine?

  1. Thanks for following Aloada Bobbins 🙂 Following back – it’s always interesting to read about health and how to take steps to look after ourselves, especially our minds.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh thank you so much! I really enjoyed reading through your blog earlier, your sense of humour and perspectives. I look forward to reading more from you 🙂

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